Pakistan army chief seeks closer ties with US

The general also criticized Russia for its ‘aggression’ against Ukraine

The influential chief of the Pakistani army, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, said that his country has an “excellent” relationship with the United States, and wants to expand it without damaging similarly important strategic ties with China.

“We have a history of long and excellent strategic relationship with the US, which remains our largest export market,” General Bajwa said at a security forum in Islamabad on Saturday. “Pakistan enjoys a close strategic relationship with China demonstrated by our commitment towards Pakistan-China Economic Corridor.”

“We seek to broaden and expand our ties with both the countries without impacting our relationship with the other,” he said.

In his speech, the general notably departed from the embattled Prime Minister Imran Khan’s position of neutrality over the Russia-Ukraine conflict. While acknowledging “legitimate security concerns of Russia,” he insisted that Moscow's “aggression against a smaller country cannot be condoned.”

“Pakistan has consistently called for an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. We support immediate dialogue between all sides to find a lasting solution to the conflict,” he stated. 

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Poster featuring Khan on Parliament building © AFP / Aamir Qureshi
Pakistan summons US envoy over ‘meddling’

Facing a no-confidence vote on Sunday after losing his parliamentary majority following multiple defections from his party, PM Khan repeatedly claimed in the past weeks that a “foreign-backed conspiracy” was behind the move to oust him, noting that it was being financially backed by millions of dollars in foreign money and “our people are being used.”

The PM suggested it was his refusal to join the US and NATO in condemning Russia’s military operation in Ukraine that had triggered the conspiracy.

Adding credibility to these allegations, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry claimed on Friday that the country’s security agencies had reported a plot to assassinate Khan, the second such claim this week. PTI leader Faisal Vawda had earlier claimed Khan’s refusal to “sell the country” was behind the bid to have him killed.

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Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan © Emin Sansar / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images
Plot to assassinate Pakistani PM uncovered, minister claims

Pakistan has a long history of coups and has been under military rule for nearly half of the nation’s existence, with none of the Pakistani PMs ever completing their full term. The prospects of Khan surviving a no-confidence vote are slim, as his supporters in the parliament are outnumbered and he is said to be at odds with the influential military brass.

On the eve of the vote, Khan called on his supporters to “peacefully protest” against the alleged “international conspiracy hatched by the US.” In response, the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, Shehbaz Sharif, who is slated to become the next PM, accused Khan of “trying to divide the nation and pushing the country towards a civil war.”


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